The Spam is Ridiculous by Sheri LeClair Banitt

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I have been avoiding the blog because I am overwhelmed with the impossible Presidential election that is looming, the direct and indirect consequences of the Corona virus, and the unseasonable snowstorm that landed over 8 inches of powder before the colored, autumn leaves have even blown off our trees. It is hard to think of something meaningful, even motivating to share with an audience when I am feeling all kinds of mixed up emotions. Tonight, I decided I would face my apathy and push it aside with a new post. A great post. A post that would outshine many others. Because that’s what bloggers do.

Alas, the blog was bombarded with SPAM! The kind that gets through the spam filter and disguises as comments waiting the author’s approval. Let’s be clear; I do not approve. I do not like this spam. I am slightly amused, and highly annoyed with the kind of spam that the millennialboomer is attracting.

Am I to believe that what interests Boomers the most are drugs for erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence? And that Millennials are most interested in buying a paper online? Well, I don’t. I don’t believe it and I don’t allow it. You may not push drugs on my blog and you may not steal my writing to sell to others.

I think what Boomers and Millennials want the most is the same thing that people want at all ages: connection, comfort, community and love. Where’s the Spam for that stuff?

I guess I’ll have to put it out there myself. But it won’t be spam, it will be old fashioned blogging with recipes designed to fill the mind and soul with goodness and love.

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