Family, Friends and Others

By Sheri LeClair Banitt


I am loved, and thankful for it. Today was a hard day. Not only Patriot Day, but my birthday as well. I can’t think of any time when I wasn’t greeted with coffee and breakfast on my birthday. Sometimes flowers, sometimes a gift, sometimes a card, but always ‘eggs with a smile’. My husband was a man of few words and many kind gestures. On my birthday, he made me feel special.


Today I missed my cheerleader and my birthday breakfast. Losing my partner of 43 years so suddenly has turned my world upside down and shaken my confidence. I worry about things I never thought about before. I wonder what the future will bring and have irrational moments of panic late in the night.

So, thank you to all the ones who showed up for me today with a hug, a smile, a birthday greeting, or a bit of chit chat. I needed some extra love, and I felt the good vibes. Your kind attention eased the pain of my loss and helped patch my broken heart with hope.

Quarterly Milestone

By Sheri LeClair Banitt

My husband died three months ago. 4th of July came and went and now it is Labor Day. Another milestone we used to count the seasons. It is my milestone now. Such an odd feeling. Everything is the same, but my whole world is different.

I find something to love each day, many blessings remain. Still, I feel so much loss for all the things that could’ve been and should’ve been. As summer moves to fall, the garden has grown, and produce is bountiful. I take pride in the harvest and think about freezing it for the winter. The same tradition with a different outcome.

I have everything I need. But I miss the simple things we used to share. Someone to wake up with and enjoy coffee in the morning. Someone to chat with about anything that was happening. Someone who recalls my past and is planning for the same future.

As I prepare to see family tomorrow, the house looks the same, the menu is familiar. I am excited to see everyone and catch up on what we’ve all been doing. But now I do all the preparation alone. I wish he was here to help me and to enjoy our home and share hospitality.

I miss my husband; he was my partner and very best friend. I miss knowing what was going to come next. I had to shut the door on “You and Me”, but I’m leaving it open a little bit to let the memories flow through as I step toward my own tomorrow.